Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Name game

Image may contain: ultrasound and text

The Doctors appointment went well. So far we have a healthy baby girl who is marching right on track in growth. They are still keeping an eye on her and me from now...well, until the end really. 10.5 (ish) weeks until we meet our Ryleigh... Middle name is to be determined by my husband, Lord have mercy on us all.
"No honey, I am not yelling "Ryleigh Goku!" When I need her attention or she's in trouble."
Yes, almost a regular conversation in our house now. This is what happens when you marry an anime nerd... I like anime, not to the extent he does and God forbid I pair it up with "cartoon." But one: We are not of any oriental decent and two: His ancestors were from Mexico & Germany, mine were from all over Europe.
Why is it so hard to name a human?!
                                      Image result for is it just me or is veto starting to sound really good

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