Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Maybe theres a way?

"Just stay home with her, it's much cheaper than spending money on child care."

A phrase all expectant moms have heard at some point. And if it was an option I would gladly stay home with my little girl! Yes, I am all too familiar with the cost of child care. I worked in Day Cares for 5 years and now I work for a company who helps parents who can't afford child care with scholarships. Now here is the kicker... I can't afford child care either! Just in the eyes of the state of Montana, you can't make more than $2520 GROSS a month for a family of three and still qualify for child care assistance. Which is just ridiculous and needs to be reevaluated considering the average cost of rent out here is about $1100.

Also, if your household runs like mine does, my check matters. My husband makes a decent amount but not nearly enough to cover all of our bills, plus groceries and things of that nature, all on his own. Yet ONE of my paychecks is the cost of child care for an infant. So what is a working mom to do? Work a second job? But then I miss my child growing up. Stay home? Well, then we won't have insurance. And there is never a "right time" to have a child, they are expensive regardless of timing and we are a blue collar family.

I have been given the opportunity to become a part of a healthy living company. Which I can do on top of my current 8-5, as well as sharing the joy of these products by helping people switch to chemical free cleaning, lotions, soaps, and all and all healthier life styles because this company offers everything!

I've never been the type of person who can blindly follow anything. There are things that I love and would recommend in a heart beat and there are things that I don't care for and don't find them to be special. Yet the key to selling (I guess) is to act like this is the best thing on God's green Earth and that you are crazy if you don't have it in your life. Yeah... I won't do that. But I can tell you if I back something up, you can take that straight to the bank!

And I will tell you this... It's WAY cheaper than stores, great for moms that try and avoid taking their littles to the store, and it's stuff you buy anyway! Just with the convenience of being brought to your door step. Every one is on a healthy living kick; so why not continue with products you would normally buy?

So stay tuned, keep reading, and if you're curious send me your email!

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